0 SCRAM AFRICA 2013 (Short Film) by Fuel Bespoke

we're proud the introduce the Scram Africa 2013 official short film. A trip to desert for classic and neoclassic motorcycles. 
This year were 25 riders from different countries as England, France, Italy, Switzerland, Australia Norway and Spain. 
The film pretends to communicate the spirit of the Scram Africa trip; adventure, friendship and passion for classic motorcycles.

More info about the trip at: Fuel Bespoke Motorcycles

0 The Wild Is Calling from JOESTEVENSMEDIA

The Wild Is Calling is a video project based around encouraging people to get outside and explore. Created by Shwood film contributor, Joe Stevens, the video features a motorcycle racing through backroads in the Columbia River Gorge. If you look closely you can see the rider sporting a pair of Shwood Canbys in cherry! Even with summer coming to an end, there are lots of ways to get outside and find adventure.

Even with summer coming to an end, there lots of ways to get outside and find adventure. To see behind the scenes photos head over to: experimentwithnature.com/02-found/the-wild-is-calling Motorcycle Rider / Builder / Graphic Design: Tobias Lee mynameistobias.com

0 Kara & his Nice Yamaha SR 250 by Moto-Mucci


0 BMW Bobber R 75/6 by Kingston Custom

Beautiful Bmw R75/6 built it by Dirk Oehlerking of Kingston Customs, you can visit his Website for more info and pics, Enjoy! http://kingstoncustom.blogspot.com.es